Privacy policy

This site uses cookies - what does it mean?

Notification under EU Cookie Law:

In order to improve the service, uses so. "Cookies" - small text files containing snippets containing site visitors information.

The information we use is for:

Google Analytics

Our SOD DSC site uses Google Analytics, a statistical analysis service provided by Google Inc. Google Analytics uses cookies that serve to analyze the use of the site so we can improve its functionality.

Based on the collected information from our users' visit to our site, Google Inc. provides us with statistical reports. You can take a closer look at the Google Analytics privacy policy here.

Social media

This is information that you liked or shared the site or an article on one of the social networks.

Subscription form

Your e-mail is used only by us to send news, seminars and courses about the Silva Method.

What should I do if I do not wish to use cookies?

You can stop using cookies at any time by changing your browser settings.

You can delete the cookies saved on your device using its operating system tools.

Remember, as a user, you have the following rights in terms of personal data:

  • Right of deletion ("right to forget"). When a person no longer wants their data to be processed and there is no legitimate reason for them to be stored, the data will be deleted. Google Analytics cookies say it is stored for a period of 1 minute to 2 years, depending on the type of cookie. You can read a detail of this information here -
  • The right to know when personal data has been the subject of external intrusion. As emails are kept personal, we are committed to letting you know if we detect theft of information from our email list. The good news is that for our email campaigns we use the Mailchimp platform. It is one of the most popular in the world and we rely on it to be well protected.