FireClass 500

FireClass 500

The new FireClass500 is a completely programmableseries of addressable, modular, control panels whichmeet the EN54 standard and which are suitable formedium to large fire alarm installations.
Each loop supports 250 FireClass Digital Loop addresses –detectors and devices can be mixed and matched in anycombination. Additionally, each control panel offers one con-ventional zone for maximum flexibility for device compatibili-ty.
In addition, network up to 8 FireClass control panels via theonboard RS485 bus for maximum expandability needed inlarger installations.
Each output can be associated up to 4 zones and/or to 3inputs on the loop for selected intervention during alarm (location signalling, closing of fire barrier doors).
Three NAC supervised programmable and silenceable out-puts can be used for the activation of signalling devices.
A non-programmable NAC, an auxiliary non controlled alarmoutput and a non-controlled fault signal output (relay) arealso available.
Configuration programming and management of the FC500is made simple with the use of the multilanguage alphanu-meric keypad and large backlit LCD.
The control panel isprotected by codes which allow command access only toauthorized personnel.
FC500/REP annunciator panels (with the same display andfast-key functions as the main panel) can be connected tothe control panel by means of an RS485 bus.


  • EN54 SPECIFIED Regulator testing in Progress
  • 250 device detectors and modules in each loop
  • Automatic device-drift compensation
  • 1 conventional input-line for the connection of up to 32devices (fire detectors and manual call points)
  • 64/128/512 completely programmable software zones
  • 16 programmable open-collector outputs
  • 3 NAC supervised programmable and silenceable outputs
  • 1 non-programmable NAC
  • 1 non-controlled fault-signal output (relay)
  • RS485 Interface for the connection of up to 8 FC200/REP Repeaters and up to 8 panels
  • 4000 event log
  • Power supply 230 Vac